Maggots in ear

Maggots in the ear, known as aural myiasis, occur when fly larvae infest the ear canal. This condition is rare but can happen, especially in tropical or subtropical areas, or in individuals with poor hygiene or untreated wounds.
Symptoms of Aural Myiasis:
  1. Ear pain and discomfort
  2. Hearing loss
  3. A feeling of something moving in the ear
  4. Foul-smelling discharge from the ear
  5. Itching or irritation
  1. Removal of Maggots: A healthcare professional will manually remove the maggots using specialized instruments.
  2. Cleaning the Ear: The ear canal is usually cleaned and disinfected to prevent further infection.
  3. Medications: Antibiotics or anti-parasitic treatments may be prescribed to prevent infection or kill any remaining larvae.
  4. Surgery (rare cases): In severe cases where the infestation has caused damage to the ear, surgery may be needed.
If someone suspects maggots in their ear, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately to avoid complications.

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