Husband leaves wife after an affair with his much younger secretary

After 37 years of marriage, one husband decided he had it enough of his wife because he got involved with his much younger secretary. He told his wife it was over and that he wanted to divorce her.

His new girlfriend expressed her desire to live in the house he shared with his soon-to-be ex-wife so the man and his lawyer did all in their power to keep the house.

The poor wife was told she only had three days to leave the place.

She was heartbroken because that house was her home for nearly four decades.

On the first day, she packed all her stuff inside of a pile of boxes. The next day, she enjoyed the beauty of her home, recalling all the cherished memories she had from that place; the renovations, how she picked most of the furniture and every detail carefully, and how much time of her days she had spent keeping the place spotless.


On the third day, she decided to treat herself with a nice lunch in the garden and enjoy the view of her stunning flowers for one last time.

After she finished eating, just as she was about to leave the place, she took some leftover shrimps and filled every curtain pod with it.

When her husband’s girlfriend moved in, everything seemed perfect during the first couple of days.

However, after some time, they started noticing awful smell spreading all around the house.

Having no idea where that highly unpleasant odor was coming from, they did deep cleaned and washed everything they could think of. They checked all the vents to make sure there were no dead mice and scrubbed every carpet in the house. They also installed air purifiers everywhere.

As the smell wouldn’t go away, they hired a pest control company was hired to set up various traps to eliminate any insects and pests, but to no avail.

After a while, no one wanted to get near the house, neither their family nor their friends. Contractors didn’t want to work in the house and the housekeeper quit.

Not knowing what to do, they decided to sell the place, but that turned out to be easier said than done. No customer wanted a smelly place, so they seemed to be left with house that was of no use.

Eventually, the man decided to call his ex-wife and offer her to buy her former home she loved so much at a very low price. When she agreed, he felt like he tricked her and went to an expensive restaurant to celebrate his “victory” with his girlfriend.

When they moved, they took all the furniture to their new home, and that included the curtain pods.

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